A.C. Power Supply
Complete low-voltage distribution switchgears CLVS
Low – voltage distribution switchgears (CLVS) are enclosed in air–insulated metal housings arranged for single– or double–access service. They incorporate stationary or draw–out circuit breakers, fuses, current transformers, switchgear apparatus, control and signaling devices being intended for distribution of direct current and three–phase alternating current rated at 220/380/660 V, 50 Hz., in circuits with insulated or dead earthed neutral, for protection against overloads and short circuits, as well as for control and signaling.
D.C. boards, cabinets;
Distribution switchboard and cabinets
- Space – saving distribution cabinets
- Large – size cabinets
System of line cabinets:
Line cabinets;
Cable connection cabinets;
Bus bar connection cabinets;
Separate cabinets.
▪ Systems of panels:
Hinge–console type panels;
Ground–type panels.
▪ Protection degree with an enclosure to GOST 14254 up to IP55;
▪ Resistance to external medium factors to GOST 17516.1,90 – М6;
▪ Climatic design version and location category УХЛ, to GOST 15150,69 – 3.
Overall dimensions of L.V. cabinets:
Width from 400 to 1200 mm, with 100 mm interval;
Height – 2000, 2100, 2200 mm;
Depth – 500, 600, 800 mm.
Wall–mounted cabinets are made according to the dimensions suggested by Customer.
The untypical cabinets are made according to the individual Specifications.
Standard delivery
On agreement with the Customer the L.V. cabinets are delivered equipped with the component parts produced both by Russian manufacturers and by the leading world companies – Siemens, ABB, Schneider, Legrand, etc.
Schematic circuit control diagram, base component parts, control algorithm are as noted in the Specifications. If necessary, the Specifications are worked out according to the Customer's order, the L.V. switchgears CLVS are agreed upon and manufactured in compliance with the same.
Order formulation
Is assured according to the individual task.
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