Cooling & Heat Systems
Heat points: individual, module and central
The heat point presents an automated module unit used for heat power transfer to different heat supply systems (heating, ventilation, hot water supply, etc) on public utility objects. Heat point may be intended for one family house (individual heat point), for multi – apartment and office buildings (module heat point) or for a group of buildings (central heat point).
The main purposes of the heat point are:
- conversion of heat agent;
- control and regulation of heat agent parameters;
- distribution of heat agent about the heat consuming systems;
- programmed decrease of indoor temperature at night time and days off (in office buildings, school buildings, etc);
- protection of heat consuming systems against emergency rise of heat agent parameters;
- maintaining automatically the hot water supply parameters in compliance with the sanitary norms;
- metering of heat agent and heat consumption;
- control of the circulating pumps;
- limiting automatically the temperature of water which returns to the heating circuit;
- control and indication of critical situations;
- protection from freezing of the heating systems;
- possibility of introducing the systems of dispatching and telemetry.
Component parts of heating plant
– heat exchanger, one or several;
– circulating pumps;
– stop and control valves;
– filters;
– pipes;
– automatic instruments;
– control panel;
– unit of commercial heat metering;
– cables;
– documents.
Main specifications
Parameter name | Value |
Pressure in forward main, MPa, maximum | 1,6 |
Pressure in return mains, MPa, maximum | 0,6 |
Temperature of heat agent in forward main, °C | up to 150 |
Temperature of heat agent in return main, °C | up to 95 |
Operating duty | permanent |
Mean – time – between – failures, hrs | 75000 |
Mean service life, years | 12 |
Permissible parameters of object maintained with the use of individual heat point
Parameter name | Value |
Temperature curve of heating system:
– forward mains, °C, maximum – distribution | 150
30 |
Temperature curve inflection point, °C
– for protected heat supply system – for exposed heat supply system | 70
60 |
Available head in place of connecting heat point to heating system, m.H2O, minimum | 10 |
Temperature curve of heating system:
– forward mains, °C, maximum – return mains, °C, maximum | 130
30 |
Design thermal power of heating system, MW | 20 |
Hydraulic resistance of heating system, m.H2O | 30 |
Heat points are chosen and adopted according to a questionnaire.
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